Wednesday, April 4, 2007

another day

This is the most surreal thing a person can experience and I strongly believe every American should do something similar.  When you see how excited people get over a stick of gum, a quarter, or even a map of their hometown, it really puts things into perspective.  Living with people who don't speak your language is a total mind blow as well.
Monday was my first day of language training.  We spend 4 hours a day in our teacher's apartment.  After class, our cluster walked around the square and had lunch at a Mexican restaurant.  After that I went back to my teacher's apartemnet as I was the first one to get tutored.  We have to put in so many hours of tutoring a month.  Andrey took me and picked me up so I can learn the bus routes to Olga's apartment.  The transportation is a little intimidating.  When we got home, Andrey and I bought a couple beers and hiked to this huge river near his house.  The weather has been amazing and we just relaxed and had a very awkward conversation.  It really helps my Russian when the people you talk to know only about 20 words in English.  After that we came back, ate, I talked ot my parents and then played UNO until 2am.
Tuesday after language class I had my first technical training class in a school downtown.  I have technical training every Tuesday and Thursday.  Today we just had an overview of our projects.  When that was over, I took the bus by myself for the first time.  I figure I'm good as long as nobody talks to me.  I stopped at the market and picked up some food for lunches.  I didn't know what the heck I was doing.  I ended up with some bologna, I think, cheese, OJ and cookies to share with everyone.  When I got home, Andrey and I walked ot the internet cafe,m but it was too crowded.  Weinstead ended up playing soccer (futbol).  Futbol is huge out here and Andrey is a former futbol champion.  I was just amazed I could keep up.  We came home and showered (not together) and then had a small dinner party.  Marina invited her best friend Olga over for dinner and games.  Dinner was a pasta dish with pork.  After dinner we played a mean game of UNO which I won.  During the game they were all having a conversation which was over my head.  after teh game it dawned on me that they are trying to set me up with Olga.  The thing is, she knows zero English.  The only thing she knows is "oops".  At any rate, the rest of the night was awkward.  She left and I studied before bed.  I tried to call Shawna and Jessica because I wanted to hear a familiar voice, but since it was the middle of the day I couldnt get a hold of anyone.
Today after language training, we had our best suits on for a meeting with the Mayor.  That was a trip.  As soon as we walked into the courthouse, we were bombarded with news media and paparazi.  It was a very formal meeting where his group sat in an elevated panel and I had to talk to him briefly in Russian in front of 25 of my peers and Olga (teacher Olga).  For the most part they were very welcoming.  We also met the head of the militia.  When that was over I walked around with some people and we got lunch in this cafeteria in a courthouse.  I ate a salad that consisted of eggs and beets and to my surprise anchovies.  Thank God another guy's host mom bought me a candy bar.  We then went to get cell phones for a few people and I bought an umbrella because it started to rain and I forgot to pack one.    I am now killing time at an internet cafe before I need to meet up with Marina.  We are going to the university because her co-workers are dying to meet me.  At least one of them speaks English.  It's always nice to have a translator around.

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