Monday, May 7, 2007

Just Stopping By

I just got out of a brutal language class where we had to learn how the European train system works. The entire exercise was over my head so I guess I will end up in Kazakstan when I am trying to get to Odessa. We are going on a field trip Thursday to the train station so I have a few days to figure this thing out. Tomorrow I have tutoring in the afternoon and Wednesday is Victory Day and we have the day off, but need to get together with our clusters for reflection (whatever that means). I hear we are taking an English tour of a museum here so that should be fun....hopefully.
So yesterday, I got home and instantly got talked into going back to that amusement park. I guess my pictures sparked interest for the family. Olga and her son and my host family took the bus back there and I ended up breaking my kneecap in 7 pieces on the stinkin' bumper cars. I had Olga's son in my lap and in order to protect the kid, I sacrificed my precious knee. Oh well, I have another one. Now I am walking around town like George Jefferson "WHEEZY!!!". As a reward, however, I treated myself to a Ukrainian hot dog. Little did I know they were pretty much raw (what a surprise) with mayonaise and carrots on them. So, Heather, when exactly should I expect this package of Chicago eats??! We got home around 7pm and I studied for about an hour. One of Andrey's friends then came over and we ended up drinking beer and eating fish jerky (yes, the kind where you rip the heads off, take out the guts and eat away). I ended up arguing with the guy about television when he stated the "The Simpsons" was "s**t"! He spoke very good English and we got in a heated debate, but it was defused early on when he gave me the next batch of crappy English DVD's. This batch includes I, Robot, Swordfish, The Terminator trilogy and Doom. The crappy sci-fi film festival begins tonight if anyone wants to fly out to join me.
Word around the rumor mill is that up to 4 of the 30 of us will be stationed in Chernihiv permenantly. God, please don't let me be included in that group. I like my town, but I am ready to move out of here at this point.
Well, my hour is up and I need to head to the employment center now to have our meeting and finalize our project.

Welcome to the blog, Maicie and the i_TECH crew; it's nice to know I have a fan base out there and I am the topic of conversation around the water cooler nowadays. Thanks for finding my babbling somewhat interesting.
Keep On Truckin'!

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