I'd like you to meet my new "family" over the next 27 months. We will all be heading to Ukraine together and according to past groups will grow super close and become besties. We all do our training in Kyiv as a large group and then break into groups of 4 throughout the country. We then meet up again periodically throughout the year and I hear it is usually quite the party. They all seem so nice up to this point and I think I am lucky to be serving with these people. As you can see they come from various age groups and backgrounds...
This is Geoffrey. He has become somewhat of the leader of our group since he is about to embark on his third term. He previously served in Mongolia and the Philippines. He lives in Washington state.

Sarah is 24 and from New Jersey. Her degree is in Social Work.

Zach (right)...ummmm....I don't know anything about.

Stephen is from California and, like me, has lived all over including Alaska, New Mexico and Utah.

Monique (right) is 23 and has a BA in History. She now lives in Santa Cruz, CA.

Megan is from Denver and will be working with me as an NGO Advisor. She just got her Masters from the University of Denver

Mary-Anne is 22 and will be working in Youth Development.

Laura (right) is a graduate from San Diego State and currently lives/works in LA (woo hoo!)

Kim (left) is from Long Island, NY and just graduated with a degree in International Business

Katie is from New Haven, Connecticut

Jonathan is from Charlotte, NC and has a business degree. He's also working in Business Development.

Jen is 24 from Wisconsin. She has a masters in school counseling

Jason is 27 and a grad student from Minneapolis, MN and will be working with me as an NGO Advisor

James (right) is from Ohio and will be working as a business educator

Hung-Chee Chan is 56 and was raised in Hong Kong, but lives and works in San Francisco

Eryn (left) is 23 and from Portland, OR. She has a BS from the University of Oregon

Eileen (middle) is from Rochester, NY and has a BA in Fine Arts/Photography.

David (59) and Rebecca (51) - David is a retired salesman and Rebecca is a retired business consultant.

Daisy (on the right) is from Santa Cruz, CA

Adam - I think this is the Adam from Seattle
Also heading out to Ukraine with me we have.....
ADAM #2 who is 26 from Fort Smith, Arkansas. He's a Case Manager for a Homeless Center
ADAM #3 who is 23 from Tennessee is a substitute teacher and a football coach
MIKE who is a Web Developer from Boulder, Colorado
SHANNON who is 24 from Colorado with a degree in theater
PATRICK - don't know anything about him
TERI from New Hampshire
MARY who is 55 from Columbus, OH
BRIDGET who is 58 from Kansas City, MO and currently a bank officer
MICHELLE from Salt Lake City who has a degree in Anthropology
JOSEPH from San Antonio, TX whose degree is in Politcal Science
JAMIE who is 27 from Utah and works for the Sundance Film Festival
(I gotta meet this person!)
GREG from Washington DC who will be working as a business educator
SUZI from San Diego, CA
NORMA from Colorado
PETER & MARCIA - a married couple in their 50's from Seattle
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