Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July!!!

Today I have been up for only 2 hours so far and already I'm mad homesick due to the holiday. I love the 4th of July and all it has to offer. I had a great holiday last year with Jessica in Chicago and today find myself missing her company. Chicago is ultimately the place to be on this day. Taste of Chicago, Schaumburg Fest and other township festivals, Milwaukee Summer Fest, amazing fireworks shows, BBQ's, bean bags...AHHHHHHHHHH!!!
What am I doing today?? Working. Ukraine's Independence Day is August 24th and I'm sure I'll have the whole week off, but things such as camping and BBQ's don't exist here. I think at that time I will visit Geoffrey in Crimea and parasail over the Black Sea or visit Hung-Chee out West and take a few days into Poland with him. At any rate, I'm thinking of you, my American friends and family, on this beautiful day!
I haven't been doing too much. My new ATM card does not work and that is the only way I can get my money from Peace Corps. I need to go to the bank on lunch and try to talk to someone with my lame-ass Russian skills. My favorite is how they all look at me like I have gerbils crawling out of my mouth when I talk. I have also been looking around for guitars. I may have to break down and make the big purchase this week. Other than that, just been reading, watched "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" and remembered how much I love that film and also watched "From Dusk Til Dawn" and "The 40 Year-Old Virgin", a film I hated when I first saw it but for one reason or another I keep rewatching it and it gets funnier every time. I've also been hanging out with Tanya's daughter Ana from Israel and this girl called Olga who works here at the library a lot this week.
That's it.
Happy 4th of July, y'all!


Your determined friend said...

Happy 4th of July! If it's any consolation, I get to clean up my house after having guests here for a week. Good times!!

Anonymous said...

well, if it makes you feel any better Pauly, Chloe was going NUTS w/ the fireworks last night and made the end of my 4th pretty awful. :)