Thursday, February 1, 2007

On the Subject of Packing

So worrying about what to bring and what to pack is already the highest contributor (besides girlfriend stuff) to my stress level right now. I've come to the conclusion that I will need to have my mom ship out a box of clothes/shoes for me. I have too much neccesities that have priority over clothes (what did I just say?). So I have a small stack of items sitting in my room which includes the books I mentioned in an earlier post, power converter, flashlight keychain, my new digital camera and my new backpack which I may need to exchange. Also, each volunteer is supposed to bring one DVD movie to contribute to the Kiev headquarters office. A list was made so no one duplicates. Everyone is bringing serious movies so to spice things up a bit, I decided to contribute the Austin Powers trilogy. I should be gettting my laptop on Monday and then need to buy a buncha crap for that too. It's looking like it will never end.
I discovered this guy's blog who is currently serving out in Ukraine. This guy is frickin' hilarious. His website is and here is a sample post from him on the subject of packing (obviously before he left)...

The good news is that I’ve got pretty much everything I need for Ukraine. The bad news is that I’m not sure how I’m going to fit two years worth of heroin in my suitcase.
I should probably tell the people who google PEACE CORPS and UKRAINE that I was kidding just then, at least about the sweet lady H.
In the past few days I’ve purchased a lot of helpful crap. My favorite items include:
--Yaktrax! Now, when I’m running around in the inevitable blizzard, at least I won’t fall on my boney yet still somehow cute butt! Cobblestones hurt, so I’d say this is a good thing!
--Super hangers! Take THAT, slacks! I am your boss and you work for me. Don’t ever forget it.
--A personal breathalyzer! See, from everything I’ve read, alcohol use is much more widespread and socially acceptable in Ukraine than in America...try to get your mind around that one for a second...and since I don’t want to be rude to my hosts by turning down shot after shot of vodka, I thought I should at least give myself the capacity to know how drunk I’m getting with a cool little gadget from Sharper Image. Tucker Max-like exploits might very well ensue.

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